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The Number 13

Posted by bodom-child - December 23rd, 2008

13 is a pretty effed up number
the bible tells us that the world was created in 7 days and 6 nights
think about that...
six of those nights have corresponding days... they are in pairs, except the last day, the day of rest...
6 days 6 night, 6+6=12 plus the 1 day of rest = 13
theres also 12 disciples plus one jesus.
its even in our own body it can be found in your 13 basic joints (Ankles, Knees, Hips, Wrists, Elbows, Shoulders + neck) everyone but the neck comes in pairs, even the hip bone is in 2 parts, even though it doesn't seem like it, it is. but you neck isn't, and its the holder of our perceptions.
its even in playing cards Ace to king is 13 cards, and theres 4 suits...
think about 9/11 too, whats 9 ones, times 9 ones?
111111111x111111111=123456789098765432 1

the mayan step pyramids have 9 levels
so one to 9 is like one of those pyramids as it usually is, then 9 to one is like the same pyramid, but flipped upside down.
those pyramids have 4 sides, but what if you were to look at it as just one triangle
so 9/11 would be one triangle pointing up, and one triangle pointing down.
that reminds me of the seal of solomon, also known as the star of david... i'm not blaming the jews or anything but its kinda weird huh?
also think of the pentagram, The pentagram is a five-pointed star; the five rays representing the energy of the four elements; earth, air, fire and water. The fifth arm of the pentagram is symbolic of spirit: ether, essence.
we also have 4 fingers and 1 thumb, 5!! we've got 2 hands and 2 feet, both with 5 fingers or toes, so in all we have 20 digits, 13(your joints) times 20(fingers and toes) is 260
260 is also the rough estimate for human gestation. 260 days is the number of days between the Zenithal Transits of the sun, as well as the length of Venus' Morning star - Evening star
check out the venus transists: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transit_o f_Venus

the planet venus has been called lucifer, the light bearer, and the morning star and its transits create an imperfect pentagram
http://www.esotericastrologer.org/Imag es/PGLpics/venus%20rose%20pattern.gif

The next transit of Venus occurs in June 2012.
pluto is no long considered a planet, but theres a lot more then just planets in our solar system.

I dunno, these kinda things rattle my brain.

The Number 13


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